ConAltriOcchi blog – 以不同的眼光看世界-博客

"C'è un solo modo di vedere le cose finché qualcuno non ci mostra come guardare con altri occhi" – "There is only one way to see things, until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes" (Picasso) – "人观察事物的方式只有一种,除非有人让我们学会怎样以不同的眼光看世界" (毕加索)

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Madre Teresa, prega per la Cina!

Riceviamo alcune belle riflessioni su Madre Teresa dalla Cina. Si tratta di giovani cattolici cinesi, che ringraziamo per la loro profonda e limpida testimonianza di fede. 

Teresa: “In verità vi dico: ogni volta che avete fatto queste cose a uno solo di questi miei fratelli più piccoli, l’avete fatto a me” (Mt 25,40). Madre Teresa per tutta la vita ha messo in pratica questa Parola detta da Gesù Cristo! Lei è la santa dei bassifondi, l’angelo di Calcutta, la personificazione della misericordia, perché i lebbrosi, i moribondi e i più poveri tra i poveri sono i suoi più cari amici! Madre Teresa per tutta la vita ha molto desiderato di venire in Cina a servire i poveri cinesi, ma questo suo desiderio non si è mai avverato! Ora, amata Madre Teresa che stai per essere canonizzata, prega sempre per la Cina dall’alto dei cieli! Prega per i poveri in Cina!

ShengNa: Madre Teresa con spirito di fraternità e in silenzio si è occupata dei poveri, facendo in modo che sentissero rispetto, solidarietà e amore. Questa santa non aveva una profonda filosofia, ha usato solo l’amore sincero e il servizio,  dedicando la sua vita alla cura delle malattie più gravi dell’umanità, in particolare vizi quali egoismo, avidità, edonismo, indifferenza, crudeltà, sfruttamento… Ella ha aperto una nuova strada, per condurre verso la giustizia sociale e la pace nel mondo. Per questo motivo una persona comune come lei è diventata il modello del buon samaritano di tutto il mondo.


YanliNa: Pensando al fatto che questa suora non è potuta entrare in Cina, lei che ha lottato per salvare i deboli, mi sento molto addolorata. Pensando a ogni piccola cosa che ha fatto, queste appaiono in realtà come cose che tutti potremmo, ma non siamo capaci di fare.  Possa Madre Teresa diventare una lampada, che guida il nostro cammino.

Luqing: il suo amore per gli altri superava l’amore verso se stessa. Per tutta la vita Madre Teresa non ha pensato a se stessa, ma ha sempre messo Dio al primo posto. Il suo amore e’ così grande!

Weitao: “Amare finché fa male” – Madre Teresa ha interpretato pienamente la verità di questa frase. A me piace la sua dedizione nell’amore, la sua gioia nell’amore. Con il cuore, gli occhi e la mente dona amore agli altri.


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Teresa: 凡你们对我这些最小兄弟中的一个所做的,就是对我做的。(玛25:40)德肋撒姆姆的一生践行着耶稣基督所说的这句话!她是贫民窟的圣人,她是加尔各答的天使,她是怜悯的缩影,因为麻疯病人、垂死者和穷人中最穷者是她的好朋友!德肋撒修女生前渴望来中国为中国穷人服务,但未能如愿!现在,亲爱的德肋撒姆姆您即将封圣,请在天上常常为中国祈祷!为中国的穷人祈祷!




闫利娜: 想到中国曾经拒绝过这样一位,为了拯救弱小踏入战火的修女,我是这样的酸楚难过。想到她做的每一件细微的事,这些事,其实都是我们可以做却做不到的事,为我们自己汗颜的同时,她会成为一盏明灯,指引我们前进。

青露: 她爱人超过了爱自己,她这一生从没有为自己考虑过而是把天主永远的放在第一位,她的爱是如此之大!




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Indians: Mother Teresa, truly a saint !

We are happy to receive and post some reflections about Mother Teresa received from India – Catholics, Hindus and non-believers. These once again confirm the love and highest esteem that Indians have for this woman who put at the center of her life the poorest of the poor.

“It is our great privilege to celebrate the canonisation ceremony of Mother Teresa”, states Fr. Jerin, who is from Kerala, a state where there is a strong Catholic presence. “She is more than a mere religious figure for Indians. Mother is pure and radical symbol of unconditional love, deep sense of compassion, strong faithfulness towards God and the real face of Christian Charity for Indian civilization.” Fr. Jerin, who studied in Rome a few years ago, continues: “Her canonisation is an honour to our own society, in which the democratic values have a deep roots. Mother Teresa Sisters are still promising figures and extraordinary Christian testimonies among other religious communities”.

According to the father, the whole India is awaiting for September 4, when the blessed Mother Teresa will be canonised in St. Peter by Pope Francis. Kolkata, which is the adopted hometown of Mother Teresa, is the powerhouse of celebrations, that take place all over Indian States. Various  delegations, including religious, political and regional representatives, will participate in the ceremony in Rome. The father explains that symposiums, film festivals, open air galleries, road shows, and many more initiatives have started to cherish each moments of this unforgettable event as a sincere tribute to Mother Teresa. Masses, prayer vigils, novenas, processions, relic veneration rallies, pilgrimages to Mother Teresa Centeres are the main attractions of spiritual preparations organized by Christian Communities.


Among the Indian non-Christians, Mr. Shantanu, originally from North of India, is enthusiastic: “She is truly a Saint! Totally selfless and always in the service of those sufferers who are the most unfortunate and the most disadvantaged, marginalised and excluded of all.” He also feels that “Mother Teresa’s passionate engagement in this most humane of causes deserves every recognition – and the sainthood is indeed a fitting award consistent with her sacrifice (even if she did not consider it that way – at all!) which is another compelling reason for this accolade.”

According to Mrs. Vasundhara, a Hindu lady in her fifties, “Mother Teresa holds a special meaning for most Indians whether or not they belong to the Catholic religion. For the poor people of this part of the world she has always been a Saint – who left her home in Central Europe – far far away and came as an angel of hope.”  Mrs. Vasundhara continues by recalling what Mother Teresa did for the abandoned ones, providing caring for those who were rejected by their families and by Society – at large – excluded for no fault of theirs – other than their falling victims of disease. “She was brave and transcended fear of infection – in embracing them and accepting them and nursing them in her ‘home’, showing extreme magnanimity and generosity! She was loved and admired universally – by people of all religions, and of any caste or creed. A goddess incarnate!”.


Around St. Peter square the day before the canonization cerimony

Another Hindu lady, Mrs Roy, had various opportunities to meet Mother Teresa and shared something from that experience with us. “Luckily, I have met her three times when I lived in Rome in the 80s and 90s. She was always so affectionate and blessed my little son each time. He has done very well in life – both academically and in career”. Mrs Roy believes that this encounter with Mother Teresa might have worked unconsciously in contributing to his decision to have worked for two months when he was in his twenties, with an NGO in Kolkata focused on the welfare of disadvantaged children. “A wonderful experience for a young person with desire to end misery for the unfortunate children” – she adds. “To me, Mother Teresa struck me as divine – no less. She had an aura around her which showed that she was indeed very special already, forty years ago. The sainthood she is receiving now is only a natural extension of the way she lived her life – for the benefit of humanity and in the service of mankind. Her contribution to the cause of the poor and the downtrodden is unsurpassed.”